Yep our Rose Bubble Tip Anemone, BOB, died yesterday around 6pm. From our water quality, we could tell that it was more of a stress issue than anything else. When we first got Bob, he quickly retreated behind a rock in the back of the aquarium. After some time, we got worried he wouldn't be getting enough light so we moved the rock he was attached to. After that, he stayed put for about 3 days in full light and then made his way under another rock.
He was doing fine until one day we saw him disk down in the sand. We tried to let him do what he was trying to do, but he got nowhere and shriveled up. We took him from the sand and set up a plastic container with holes to hang on the side of the tank in case he died, he would die in it. Once in it for a day or two, still looking all pitiful, we decided to let him go in the display tank and him to do whatever, if he died so be it, if he lived so be it. We were frustrated at this point.
You will be missed
A couple hours into the main tank and he started to dissolve. That was That. We still believe the main cause was stress, with a dose from not getting enough light. We got him out and gave him the water grave he deserved. We love him.